Preparing For a Move From the US To Canada

Visiting other countries is easier than it has ever been before, thanks to the internet. Of course, by that we could mean that you can simply take a tour of the world’s most majestic landscapes or historic monuments via the internet. But the internet also makes it easier to actually travel, too. Booking flights and hotel visits is easy and you can even make your payments online, too.
The internet has also made it easier to move to other countries too. Of course, by this we could mean that it is easier to find work and look for a place to live, thanks to various websites that you could use. It is easier than ever to learn another language and immerse yourself in another culture, too.
But the internet can also benefit your move from the United States to Canada by helping you to get your customs clearance process started. This is important if you want to bring your valuable possessions with you across the border.
You see, when you travel between the United States and Canada—for leisure—the expectation is that you will probably bring only what you need for your stay and then you will return home. Maybe you will buy a few things; you will have to clear those through customs, of course, upon your return.
But when you move from one country to another, bringing your things with you is technically considered an act of import and that means you will have to clear your goods through customs (and probably pay some fees and/or tariffs). This process is simple, but can take some time so here is what you need to know:
As soon as you know that you will be moving, make sure that you get started on the paperwork. Classifying all of your valuables can take some time, so better to get it going so you can spread it out. You will need to upload all of your shipping documents as well as a power of attorney (if you choose) and a Bill of Sale for everything you are bringing with you.
Of course, you will also need to pay your duties, taxes, and fees. As a matter of fact, you will probably not be able to retrieve your stuff in Canada if you have not made this payment.
You must give notice of transport 72 hours prior and then you will probably have to wait a few more days after your move before the process is finalized, depending on the mode of transport.